Interest Check period: January 28th - February 28Contributor application period: March 12th - April 12thContributor emails sent out: April 20thConcepts due: [May 1st]First check-in due: June 18thSecond check-in due: July 10thThird check-in due: August 10thFinal check-in due: September 10thPre-orders open: OCT 16thLeftover Sales open: march 18th

Information and requirements
nounA motivating force; something or someone that gives a person a sense of purpose or a reason for living; something that brings pleasure or fulfillment.
IKIGAI will be a for-profit KiriKami Zine focusing on the relationship between Kirishima Eijirou and Kaminari Denki during their UA days and through their Pro-Hero careers.
The Zine will be split evenly into thirds: one part covering their time in UA together, and the last two parts covering their time as Pro-Heroes together.

The IKIGAI team needs you to ensure our project becomes all that it can be.
Our interest check is now closed, results are on Twitter!Thank you for your interest in IKIGAI

Now open until april 12th!